Dumbbell and Bodyweight Workout
Here Ben is back, hitting us up with one of his trademark workouts. This time, using just dumbbells and bodyweight. Although, don't fear, this workout can also be done without equipment. Simply squat lower with the push press movement.
The focus here is on the whole body and strength endurance. Great to get that heart rate up for a decent amount of time, getting those feel-good endorphins flowing. Crucial for these lockdown training sessions!
Main points to consider are pacing and form. Keep your movements sharp and controlled and enjoy the rests periods!
Here's the workout!
In 3 Minutes you must perform...
-20 x Dumbbell Push Press
-15 x Straight Leg Raises
-10 x Burpees
-Plank for the remaining time 1 Min rest.
Repeat the above 5 times!
Let us know how you get on!