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The 20 Tonnes of 2020!

With potentially their most brutal workout yet, Gina and Dave bring us "The 20 tonnes of 2020". Testing your muscular endurance to the max you must clock up a combined lift total of 20,000kg!

The way it works-
- Using a kettlebell or dumbbell of your choice, in pairs you must lift a total of 20 Tonnes as fast as you can.
- The exercises must only be the ones shown in the video but you can split them up into as many reps or sets at a time as you like.
- We recommend picking a middle weight for your KB or DB, we chose a 12kg and 16kg KB.
- Obviously if you go heavier, you will clock the weights up quicker, but then you will also fatigue faster. So be wise when making your choice!
- One of you must be working at all times
- Set a stopwatch and go!

The exercises are-
- Alternate Clean
- Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
- Push Press
- Russian Twists

Post your times in the comments below!