The Finisher #29

Ben Green is up this week to take you through The Thrust Off! This one is going to get tasty! 

Time Cap - 15 Mins

- To begin, jump on the rowing machine for 1 Minute.
- At the start of the 2nd minute, complete 1 Dumbbell Thruster and get back on the rower for the remainder of the minute. 
- At the start of each minute for the remainder of the time cap, increase the Dumbbell Thruster reps by 1 and then row for the remaining time.

Men - 15KG Dumbbells
Women - 10KG Dumbbells

Aim to reach a point where you are doing Dumbbell Thrusters for the entire minute! 

Enjoy this one!


Ben’s Overnight Oats with Mixed Berries


The Finisher #26