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Stop The Pain: How to Reduce and Prevent Your Lower Back Pain
Therapy, Personal Training U7 GYM Therapy, Personal Training U7 GYM

Stop The Pain: How to Reduce and Prevent Your Lower Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem for many individuals. It can affect your ability to complete everyday tasks, affect your mood, cause you to miss out on a heap of activities, and even force you to put a stop to your training. Not ideal! However, there are a few ways to reduce and prevent back pain from putting limits on what you can do. In this article, we specifically look at lower back pain, the muscles involved, what the possible causes are of this pain, and how you can act now to give yourself the best chance of preventing having to experience this uncomfortable injury.

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Reap The Benefits of Sports Massage

Reap The Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that uses targeted massage movements to help athletes and those with physically active lifestyles release tension, reduce fatigue and restore balance in the body. This type of massage helps to improve physical performance, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. In addition to these benefits, sports massage also offers several other positive effects for your body. In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the main benefits of sports massage.

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Why Personal Training Through Winter Might Be What You Need.
Personal Training U7 GYM Personal Training U7 GYM

Why Personal Training Through Winter Might Be What You Need.

Winter can be a difficult season for staying healthy and sticking to your workout routine. The cold and dreary weather can make it difficult to find the motivation to exercise, or to even keep going once you have started. So if you’re worried that you may fall off the wagon this winter, read on to learn more about how getting yourself a personal trainer might be the ideal solution.

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Unless you’re a keen cardio person, cardiovascular training or conditioning is usually forgotten about. This is because some people may think it ruins strength gains, or that running is bad for you as it can cause injuries like shin splints, or the impact is bad for your knees.

But conditioning can do so much more for you than just something that is done towards the beginning of beach season to make you look a little more shredz. This blog just brushes over some key info that can help you make your cardio better.

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Build A Strong Base With Lower Back Strength.

Build A Strong Base With Lower Back Strength.

One thing that's talked about a lot but also not implemented half as much as it should be, are exercises that focus on strengthening your lower back muscles.

When we think it about, having good lower back strength is what dictates our ability to complete a countless amount of tasks both in and out of the gym! Perhaps the most standout exercise that requires lower back strength are the compound lifts such as Deadlifts and Squats. If you have a weak lower back, it's likely these lifts will suffer or there could be an increased chance of injury.

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