Modern Slavery Statement.

U7 GYM: Our Commitment to Eradicating Modern Slavery

U7 GYM is Dedicated to Ethical Practices.

At U7 GYM, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, acknowledging our crucial role in preventing and combating modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our operations. We recognize these issues are not confined to any single industry or sector, and thus, we are proactive in our approach to ensure these practices have no place in our business or supply chains.

Our Ethical Operations Framework at U7 GYM:

Our operational ethos at U7 GYM is grounded in respect and fairness. We have stringent employment policies and ensure their strict enforcement across our organization. Violations of these policies, particularly those related to ethical conduct, carry serious consequences, up to and including termination of employment.

We empower our employees through a comprehensive whistleblowing framework. This policy is designed to provide a safe and confidential avenue for employees to report any concerns or unethical practices, especially those related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Such reports are treated with utmost seriousness and discretion, followed by a thorough investigation and appropriate response.

Supplier Engagement and Compliance:

We engage with our suppliers, who play a critical role in our operations, from equipment procurement to facility management services. We expect them to align with our ethical standards and have zero tolerance for modern slavery practices. We actively communicate our stance and require their commitment to these values.

U7 GYM undertakes regular, detailed assessments of our key suppliers to identify and mitigate any risks related to modern slavery. This process is dynamic and responsive, ensuring continuous alignment with our high ethical standards.

Education and Awareness at U7 GYM:

To foster a deep understanding and awareness of the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking, U7 GYM is committed to providing targeted training programs for our staff, particularly those in decision-making and supply chain management roles. Our leadership team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to identify and address any such issues effectively.

Our Ongoing Commitment:

This statement, made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, represents U7 GYM's unwavering commitment to the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking. We pledge to review and update our practices and this statement annually, under the supervision of our Senior Management, to ensure continued effectiveness and compliance.