Media Policy.

Photography and Videography Policy at u7 gym.

Our media policy aims to help you capture your success whilst prioritising our members’ privacy.

We understand that capturing your fitness journey is important to many of our members. However, we also prioritize the comfort, safety, and overall training experience of everyone in our gym. Please adhere to the following guidelines regarding video and photography in our facilities:

Respect for Training Space and Members:

The primary purpose of our gym is to provide a space for members to train and achieve their fitness goals. Filming should never disrupt or impede the training space or routines of other members. Always ensure that your camera equipment does not obstruct walkways, equipment, or training areas.

Courtesy and Respect in Filming:

Be mindful and respectful when filming. This includes maintaining a reasonable distance from others and avoiding capturing individuals in your shots without their consent. If you are filming a session that involves other members, please seek their permission beforehand.

Right to Privacy:

We respect the privacy of all our members. If an individual expresses discomfort or requests not to be filmed or to have existing footage deleted, we expect you to comply promptly and respectfully. Disregarding such requests is a violation of our gym etiquette and this policy.

Content Removal Rights:

U7 reserves the right to request the removal of any content filmed within our premises that does not align with our values, policies, or unreasonably negatively impacts the brand image of U7. Non-compliance with this request may lead to actions including but not limited to warnings, content removal demands, or membership termination.

Safe Filming Practices:

Ensure that your filming equipment is safely and securely used. Avoid placing cameras or accessories in areas where they can cause accidents or harm. U7 takes no responsibility for any personal equipment that is damaged whilst on-site at U7.

Commercial Use:

Filming for commercial purposes with external photographers/videographers is strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized by U7 management. Such events must be requested to be booked in advance by contacting U7 management at  

Adherence to Gym Rules:

While filming, all gym rules and regulations must be adhered to. This includes proper attire, equipment usage, and general conduct within the gym.

Reporting Concerns:

If you have concerns about filming or are uncomfortable with being filmed, please report this to the gym staff immediately. We are here to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all.

By following these guidelines, you help us maintain a respectful, safe, and enjoyable gym environment for everyone. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Happy filming, and more importantly, happy training!