
Ages 11-13

Embark on A Transformative fitness journey.

Our Pioneers programme further enriches children's movement repertoire, building on the foundational movement patterns established in the Explorers stage. It offers a more complex range of motion stimuli while maintaining an environment of inclusivity and enjoyment. These coaching sessions are designed to cultivate proficiency, confidence, and creativity in their movements as they advance in their journey.

  • Aims

    The objective of the Pioneers stage is for participants to delve deeper into a varied array of movements and games, continuously learning and refining their motion techniques, with an emphasis on key movements like squatting and pushing.

    Each week's session is systematically structured with an intent to advance towards more intricate movements, ensuring steady progression as the group evolves from one week to the next.

  • Learning Objectives

    The learning objectives for the Pioneers stage include mastering a range of locomotion tasks, which encompass fluid movement and direction change. Additionally, the children are expected to competently perform fundamental strength exercises, like squats and maintaining positions.

    In this stage, children will also demonstrate enhanced balance skills, showing the ability to maintain specific positions for extended periods.

  • Progressions

    Children advance from the Pioneers stage to the Conquerors stage when they reach the appropriate age and have demonstrated the ability to execute a range of movements directed by the coach. This progression is essential for ensuring they are adequately prepared for the challenges of the next stage.

    The coach in charge is responsible for this assessment and decision-making process.

learning and development of the components of fitness.

Every stage of our “Strong Kids” programme is designed to develop each of the components of fitness. However, as the children develop there are certain components that require more focus and attention. See below for a breakdown of this stages main fitness component focuses.

  • Strength, as a fitness component in the Pioneers stage, involves honing the children's ability to exert force against resistance. This vital aspect of fitness encompasses not only the increased capacity to lift, push, or pull but also improves stability, enhances performance in other physical activities, and promotes overall health and well-being.

    In this stage, the children will work on progressing from foundational strength movements practiced in the Explorers stage, such as basic squats, hinging, and pushing movements, towards more complex and challenging exercises. They will build on their ability to maintain positions, focusing on form and control, and gradually introducing weighted or resistance exercises.

    The progression from the Explorers stage signifies a deeper understanding of strength training principles and an increased capacity for more demanding strength exercises. The children will be gradually and safely introduced to these new strength challenges, always under the careful guidance of their coach, fostering a strong and healthy approach to fitness.

  • Aerobic capacity refers to a child's ability to sustain prolonged physical activity that relies on the efficient use of oxygen. It plays a crucial role in improving endurance, reducing fatigue, and promoting overall cardiovascular health.

    In the Pioneers stage, children will work on boosting their aerobic capacity through various activities specifically designed to increase heart rate and improve lung efficiency. These activities might include higher intensity games such as relay races, tag games, or obstacle courses, all of which require sustained effort over extended periods.

    The games aim to be engaging and fun, fostering a love for physical activity while subtly improving their aerobic capacity. Depending on their level, these games could become progressively more challenging, introducing elements that require greater stamina or quicker recovery times.

    The progression from the Explorers stage signifies a shift from shorter bursts of activity towards more sustained, longer duration exercises. Whereas the Explorers stage might have introduced the children to the basics of aerobic activity through simple games, the Pioneers stage aims to gradually increase the duration and intensity of these activities, fostering improved aerobic capacity and a deeper understanding of endurance.

  • Mobility, a crucial component of fitness, refers to the ability to move freely and easily through a range of motions. It's not only about flexibility, but also about the strength and control one has in different body positions.

    In the Pioneers stage, children will work on enhancing their mobility through various exercises and games. Specific movements might also include dynamic stretches and strength-related positions that encourage balance, and flexibility in unison.

    The games and movements in this stage aim to be enjoyable and engaging, promoting a love for physical activity while simultaneously improving their mobility. Depending on their level, these games could become progressively more challenging, introducing elements that require greater flexibility, balance, or control.

    Progressing from the Explorers stage, the Pioneers stage seeks to build upon the basic movement patterns that were established previously. Where the Explorers stage might have introduced children to the fundamentals of mobility through simple movements and games, the Pioneers stage aims to expand these foundational skills, encouraging children to move with greater fluidity, control, and confidence through a broader range of motions.

  • "I’ve loved seeing Tyler’s confidence grow with the exercises he learns each week, and I feel completely confident that this is being done in a safe way."

    Naomi - Parent