Gina 's Bodyweight Home Workout

Here’s another home bodyweight work our brought to you by Gina. This time the focus is on both strength and HIIT in the form of supersets. The session is laid out in five 3 minute blocks. Remember to do each superset twice before resting and moving onto the next block. There’s then a spicy little finisher those legs pumped!

Warm up (2 rounds)
-20 squats
-10 Press ups
-10 Dead bugs (each side)
-20 lunges

Workout (60sec / 30 sec x 2)
- Bulgarian split squats / burpees
- Press ups / jump lunges
- Shoot outs / mountain climbers
- 1 & 1/2 squats / jumping jacks
- Dips / Squat jumps
Rest for 45 sec before you move on to the next superset

-5 min max rep walking/static lunges


Dave’s Home Bodyweight Workout


Press Up Tekkers With Dave!