Press Up Tekkers With Dave!

The noble Press up! A firm favourite in many different areas of fitness, they're everywhere, there's no escaping them! Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to do them right, right? They may seem very simple, but people can’t always quite get the form on point.

Here Dave chats about a common mistake he sees a lot during his many hours on the gym floor. This is what's called an "Anterior Pelvic Tilt" and it boils down to core strength and stability. Well, lack there of. So it goes without saying, that improving your core through planks, hallow holds etc will help a great deal. Dave has also demonstrated another midline exercise for you to try....

The Seesaw
-20 second sets with a 1 minute rest then gradually build up to 30+seconds as your strength improves
-Remember to squeeze your ribcage down into your core whilst you rock.

Give it a go!


Gina 's Bodyweight Home Workout


Running Update from Gina and Boo