3 Minute AMRAP Bodyweight Blast

Take yourself outside into your garden, enjoy this sunshine, and smash this 20 Minute workout out that Ben has designed for you. Ben always comes up with the goods, so you know this will be a tough one!

The session is simple; complete the below exercises as many times as you can in a 3 minute period. Following the 3 minutes, you will rest for 1 minute, then repeat. As you move through each set, try to reach the same number of completed rounds each time - being able to do this will show that you have a solid level of fitness!

Complete 5 Rounds of:


- Mountain Climbers x 8
- Push Ups x 8
- Hollow Body Rocks x 8
- Russian Twists x 8
- Rest x 60 Seconds

Now go get stuck in!


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