The Journal.
Discover all the recent news coming fresh out of U7. Read up on current hot topics and blog articles written from our very own coaching team.
Gina's Running Update -Run #19!
Gina is now onto her 19th run and is updating us on the latest part of her journey. Today we see that it's not all plain sailing when starting out on a new area of fitness, but perseverance is key. It's important to take the rough with the smooth and to not berate yourself if things sometimes seem a lot more difficult. In this case for example, every run completed is a win.
5 Lower Back Exercises
Dave is here to show us 5 exercises to help improve Lumbar mobility. Your Lumbar is the concave section of your lower spine and is where you will most likely suffer from back pain. Due to the increased amount of sitting a lot of us are doing right now, people who are prone to back problems may be finding this is worse than normal. By releasing and mobilising your back this can help alleviate any discomfort or tension that you are experiencing.
Mobility with Mike - Episode 6.
Here's your weekly dose of Mobility with Mike. Today's exercises are ideal as a warm up for a run or just as a stand alone session. Focus is on the health of your hips and ankles. All you need is a bit of space, a wall and some balance!
Kettlebell EMOM
It's another Tuesday and another outdoor workout from the dream team! This workout is a kettlebell EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute). There's 4 exercises to rotate through for 16 minutes which means you will visit each exercise 4 times. Little tip- the quicker you get your reps done, the more rest you will have for the remainder of your minute! Focus for this workout is on form and speed.
Legs, Bums and Tums!
Today we are taking it right back to the old school with Gina, for a bit of 'Legs, Bums and Tums'! Sadly it's not 1980's aerobics style grapevines and step taps but it is still a workout specifically to target those particularly stubborn areas. As much as women tend love these workouts, the movements are just as applicable to you men too, so get stuck in!