The Journal.
Discover all the recent news coming fresh out of U7. Read up on current hot topics and blog articles written from our very own coaching team.
Strength Fundamentals (Episode One)
Have you ever wondered what the real difference is between your strength and the super-human strength of someone else who's lifting twice as much as you? The answer most often comes down to their ability to execute fundamental strength exercises to a higher level than everyone else! So if you want to be REALLY strong, get yourself locked into these exercises and notice the difference on your big lifts!
Full Body Kettlebell Workout
Get excited for this one ladies and gents, because this session hits you hard first up with some strength and power work, followed by a firecracker of a conditioning AMRAP! Make sure you’re ready to put the work in and get this one done!
Dumbbell Workout For Time
So what has Ben got lined up for you today? Step into his office and find out… which is actually just a mat outside his house due to this damn lockdown!
Pump Up Those Legs with Gina!
So I expect a lot of our members are pretty happy they succumbed to the Aldi or Lidl middle aisle in the past few weeks and are lucky enough to have some form of kit! If this is you, here’s a quick lower body workout out you can do with just one dumbbell and one kettlebell that will give you an awesome leg pump.
Pull Ups with Mike!
In this video, Mike takes you through some simple mobility and strength prerequisites to build you up to performing those elusive pull-ups!